
“Enrichment beyond the classroom”
CALL US: 07933328292
Out Of School Playcare Limited

Dragonflies out of School Playcare Limited is a non-profit company. We are a child care provider for children of Lakside Primary School during school term-time and a provider of full-day care during all school holidays except Christmas.
In term-time we take children attending Lakeside Primary School only and in holidays we take children from all areas including other primary school's.
Children must be between the ages of 4 and 11 and already be in full-time education to attend our club. The youngest children being of age 4 and already attending Primary School Reception Class. The oldest children being age 11 and in their final year 6 of Primary School.
Dragonflies was originally set up in September 1995 by Lakeside Primary School PTA to meet the demand for good quality out of school childcare. In September 2012 the club changed it's legal status to a company limited by it's guarantee.
Our board of directors consists of the manager and parents of children who attend the club.
Dragonflies continues to operate from a purpose built facility attached to Lakeside Primary School in accordance with the regulations set by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW).
Special Needs
Dragonfies is equipped to take children with special needs, each child's needs will be assessed individually. Dragonflies operate a special needs policy, ddetails of which are on display in the foyer of our building and available for download from this site.
We are sensitive to children whose first language is not English and we also encourage and promote the Welsh language.

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